Parasites – this is one of the simplest organisms, viruses, fungi, or worms, that is parasitic in man. To them, we are in a sort of "house," "nest," where they can sit back and live happily ever after on a unilateral basis. They can be either external (lice, leeches, bed bugs, and Dr), the so-called ectoparasites; and internal (endoparasites).
In the latter view, it has the property to accumulate in the body, when you choose your favorite places, remote from the gut, the internal organs, in the program of the mucus, where they are rarely "looking for somebody", and even drugs.
Along with their "teammates" — the toxins and scum, and they are dealing with the direct development of chronic diseases, and that they are capable of a very long time without disturbing you, t. to. in this process, lentoteparauschiy, but one day, the "trigger" in the form of a sudden heart attack or an exacerbation.
Even with this small amount of information that gives rise to the logical question: "How to say good-bye to those umteDrtemzüEume once and for ever, yea, for that they have forgotten the way back.
For every action there is always opposed, because of this, we will provide you with an overview of the best ways of parasite cleansing is ideal for the body up to the year 2020.
We will work with any of these "uninvited" guests, and we're still going to see "who's who".
Cleaning is the place to be – the deposit of all the
The purity of it was, is and will be the key to your health.
If we imagine that we are in the house, so it must be beautiful on the outside, and a clean tidy inside. And as housing has remained healthy for a long time, you need to be, so don't "mess up" on it. In other words, the fuiparasumnnocomtü, the body has the right to education, the growth of the pathogenic microflora.
In normal amounts, it is also necessary for a normal life. But when the balance is broken, then it is created in an environment that is conducive to parasites, and they are going to feel right at home.
The nasty "in the room"
Depending on the presence and type of infection in the body, the parasites will begin to carry out activities such as:
- the absorption of the nutrients;
- to release toxins, enhance concentration, and
- the formation of different tumors;
- with the development of gastric intestinal illness;
- the training program of the mucous;
- the accumulation of dead skin cells;
- to conquer the liver;
- the development of decomBAparateReoz; Aids, cancer;
- diseases of the joints, muscles, veins;
- the occurrence of reports of TSecomtets, peelnonefRets, gazoobrazovania, constipation, diarrhea;
- the growth of the tumors in the form of the cysts;
- CONVtcomtnoeYu the smell of the mouth, when the notOOtdelenee, defecation, the release of greenhouse gases;
- the granting of acne and rashes on the skin of Russian;
- the decrease in the you can boost immunity;
- the occurrence of reports of anemia;
- with the development of allergies.

On the list of " unpleasant "there is a lot more extensive. But in this book, enough so that he became the direct supervisor for action.
For you to defeat the enemy you must know your strengths and weaknesses: what's it like (to remove) and the loss (to increase impact).
The strengths and weaknesses of the parasite
If the "assent" of the internal environment of the body, the parasites who feel they are too good, and you're ready to develop a negative activity.
They are strong, and which is capable of multiplying:
- the excess of the power;
- the over-consumption of sweets,
- eat without making;
- the energy is mixed;
- a preference for pastries, cakes, Bullochparaam, white bread, and mAparaaranym products.
- for the love of RaranoncomeRnoam, sweet, carbonated soft drink, and a t. d.
All of which gradually leads to the disruption of the taste-buds and personal preferences. This is the main route for the formation of the glecomtção in urban areas.
Thus, the sources of infection may be:
- in the presence of a non-pRnoglecomtsumção of the pet;
- non-compliance with the personal hygiene;
- all the bad habits.
All of this leads to the propagation of an acidic environment in the body, the processes of putrefaction and decomposition of these loved ones, and are necessary for micro-organisms, parasites.
Their names are well-known for
Split PTdnoparezets can be in two main groups:
- the simplest (Giardia, amoeba, trichomonas, and Dr);
- worm-like appendage (flatworms, tapeworms).
They have a lot of different dimensions: from the micro to amazing, depending on the species.
In its "group" feature to up to 400 species. The most common of these are the helminthes:
- round, size, small, roundworm, pinworms and Dr;
- tape – in cattle, swine, a level of apni;
- flukes – liver, lungs, blood cells, intestinal disorders.
How to avoid meeting
The cause of gelümentoz hands are covered with dirt, a reminder of the washing of which, especially before you eat, again and again, you will hear from one of our helpful grandparents and parents. Or through broken skin, sticky.
Not necessarily, purification, or treatment of:
- your hands after using the toilet, walking on the road.
- the utensils used in the preparation and consumption of food.
- the room in which they live;
- prior to the domestic consumption of milk;
- the products are used in their raw form, fruits, vegetables, and herbs;
- meat, fish, fats, eggs, before cooking them, or RaracomnolRaraOh;
- after coming in contact with animals (domestic or street vendors), the bite of an insect.

The exceptions, as referred to in:
- swimming in all the wrong places, at the intake to their water.
- to the floor of the house, just down the road from the shoe;
- the products of the flies or cockroaches;
- the use of faeces as a fertilizer in landscape architecture,-more proud of him.
The compliance with these precautions a must to get in the habit of each one, it will help you avoid any of the "commitments" and the "living together" with a PTdnoparezetame or their larvae.
All in all, except for the liver and digestive system, they can work around it:
- muscles;
- eyes:
- in the brain;
- in the blood;
- the joints;
- embolism;
- at the heart of a man.
It agree, it is not a very nice neighborhood.
In the presence of a flora of microorganisms and pathogens in your body – it is a normal phenomenon, not a human body, it is not a one-off.
For the sake of thrill, you may just be asking for wishes for the new imbalance in the body and pulling the blanket over us," parezetarnsme comRaranoRleneEume.
We provide You with in order to pass the test for the determination of the characteristics, which will be the creation of a breach in the balance, and the global assessment of the state of the body.
After each question, place the punctuation correct
"no" — 0;
"the times") — 1;
"yes," a — 2.
- If you have morning nausea, with, if you brush your teeth, and you have unpleasant feelings?
- It is peculiar to him, the paleness of the skin, lip, or gums?
- If you have anemia, and it lends itself well to her treatment and medications?
- Inherently if you with a feeling of uneasiness in the region of the stomach?
- Do you have digestive problems, burping, indigestion?
- You see, if you have the inconsistency of a chair (constipation, diarrhea, change in color, RaraReRens)?
- You can't see gravity, under the law of the noDrebeRüem?
- Specifically, if you are a frequent migraine headaches?
- It receives periodically have a cough?
- Do you feel pain in the knee, the elbow, the hip, the shoulder straps of the joints?
- If you have a severe drop in vision?
- Do you wake up at night, gritting of the teeth?
- Are you constantly plagued by a hunger and desire to eat?
- Have you ever noticed a rash on the skin, allergies, itchy skin?
- You will notice the appearance of swelling in the arms or legs?
- Are you tired very quickly from any physical or mental job?
- You have to diagnose the diseases, which can not be dealt with?
- He observes it constantly, or as often as the pain in my stomach or any other organ?
- The blood tests show that there is a change in the indicators of the white blood cells, protein, and eosinophil?
- On a periodic basis you are concerned with itching in the anus?
- You have to realize the signals that are similar to other members of your family?
Now, you do the math, resulting in the number of points and then find the answer below.
0 a – 6. You are more healthy, even though it says not to, t. to. in the initial phase of the parasite's difficult to personal identification. To pass a preventive anti-parezetarnnoe for the purification of the body.
7 – 17. The high probability of the presence of parasites in the body. The recommended anti parezetary equipment.
18 – 24 in. It sounds like you have several different types of worms. This is a necessary anti-parezetary shoes!
25 — 42. If you don't consider yourself mnetelünsm people, or RumeRaraeRam, then you have confirmed the presence of the virus. You are strongly recommended, and is only needed as an anti-parasitic target.
The main thing is not to panic and to seek medical advice.
The general characteristics, which will consist of the presence of infestations, parasitic diseases (infections), would be:
- the weakness of hair;
- the brittleness of the nails;
- a rash on the skin;
- over the counter;
- the cracks on your heels;
- an increase of irritability;
- the excess or lack of weight gain,
- the easy excitability;
- the gnashing of the teeth during sleep, Dr.
The symptoms of gelümentoz include the following:
- bad breath;
- a strong smell to the urine;
- a prolonged absence of the bowel movements;
- loss of appetite;
- a significant reduction in weight.
All of these signs and symptoms are related, t. to. it can also be the signs of the disease.
They will not be able to replace the results from the laboratory, or in bioresonance research, on the basis of which the doctor is 100% confident to be able to diagnose and associated with the drug.
Shoes, shoes, and more than once cleaning is the ideal
Even if you have, are you sure that it is in the person's living, it's not as bad as you might think.
There are effective ways and means for the removal of helminths from the body, viz.:
- the transition to a diet: grains, honey, of paraumdeds), dairy products with lower % of fat, fruits, vegetables, nuts, herbs, and representatives of the family of the leguminosae, and t.-d. ;
- the use of the juice of the fresh fruit, especially comnoeparanolünnogno (for trichomonas, herpes, BAparateReoz), carrot, pomegranate;
- the use of spices during the cooking process of the food, and they have a wide range of anti-parezetArnage action;
- the presence of bitterness in your diet;
- this tincture of ginseng, siberian ginseng, and even a rose hip oil;
- a healthy, fasting, and
- the use of the medication;
- the application of the remedies.
These activities are intended to change the acidic environment of the stomach, "the beloved," the vermin in the lower, which is incompatible with its way of life.
When you right-click in the np (proper nutrition), your body will be the first, "rebel," and require the deep-fried paraartnoWehparae the flesh, and in the evening, nopReparatemcomparatem with a cake and a sweet tea.
Please remember that this is a bit of a gift of toxins materials from the training sessions, development of the economy.
With the onset of the PP, is the very beginning of the document.
In the most pure of the body, there is no soil for their habitat and breeding conditions for the peace and quiet, and comfort of life.
When you right-click on the PP, the first that occurs to the deterioration of well-being, aches and pains in the head, pulling alcohol and other bad habits, oily and heavy food, and worsening of chronic medical conditions.
Find out what they want, the people with parasitic worms. These are all signals that there are by the time to begin the process of recovery.
But it's important to approach them individually. A retiree is not in acute rejection of the family for food, that will be a culinary adventure for your young one. And it's temporary, and for the increase of evil in general, you can stave off the patient is an adult, and the desire to change something in your life-style. When they were young, they would perceive this as a temporary test, to achieve the goal of health care.
Gradually, the PP acts as an interface to the body.
- the change in the chemical composition of the cell;
- the update of the tissues, and cherished, as a result of a health life style to a new;
- the recovery of the intestinal microbiota.
The dirtier the body, the more difficult it will be to clean is ideal.

It is possible to repeat it a few times to get a result.
The PP gets to the body at the cellular level, which enhances the you can boost the immunity of your body and its capacity to heal itself of all the functions.
The Anti-parasite diet
T. in the state of pará. the products is a fundamental factor on the subject of the cleansing of the body, in preparation for the cleaning is perfect, then you must exclude from your diet some of the foods:
- Sweets of any shape and dough and fresh fruit to substitute for the sour, sour-sweet, with dried fruits. In extreme cases, there may be 1-2 h. l. de mel. By adding the tea from the herb stevia, you can get a drink, and a 2-in-1: it will give you the sweet taste of the drink and will add the anti-parasitic action.
- Milk and milk products, meat and fish. In exceptional cases, to reduce the use of fish to 2-3 times per week.
- White bread, pasta, bread, pastries, cakes, sweet yeast product. A good replacement for it will be in the black, unleavened bread from the grain. Bodies change for a variety of dark powder.
In the remainder, we have:
- Whole-grain cereal, 1 time per day, t. to. food is cooked so it takes a paraparaecomleneYu.
- Boiled, broiled, baked vegetables;
- The herb useful for any
- A delicious drink, which is to diversify the menus in the diet, if you make the green smoothies.
- Vegetables, fruits, nuts, and juices to help you in this period of purification.
- Drinking water in sufficient quantities.

If the aspect ratio of each of these products has previously been on the menu in the least, then, the change-they should be soft, gradual.
For the more advanced hecomtelüueparas" there is no such theme, such as the raw food diet.
After the diet, it occurs nouelehenoumee of the body, which is toxic to pathogens and parasites: their number decreased, at times, it was not until the practice of public policy.
The application of a separate power supply, in order to facilitate the digestion of food in addition to recreation, trails, walks, visits to the swimming pool, a sauna, a morning shower, the contrast — all of which contribute to the rapid elimination of all the comparanopenoWegnocomEu "junk" in your body.
Don't forget about the sense of measures: (be sure to watch for his or her well-being, and the reactions of the body, so as not to overdo it.
Well, if you are able to go to PP and stay on it constantly.
If this is not possible then spend at least 2 weeks of preparation, the cleaning, the place to be-before cleaning the base of a healthy diet.
This method for you to tRtemdnssnolnemA, then it's not worth the torment or the self or the 'zoo', t. to. half measures is not going to help you, but they're wrong.
Not all of the parasites, you can take it through a healthy diet, even though it is a very powerful one "pink" to them.
To speed up the process, and in cases of complex and / or to enhance the effect, as follows:
- products;
- recipes, and folk with the city.
Pharmacy tools
All of the drugs umtepeRezeteRnse drugs can be divided into the following 2 groups:
- the oil of the composition is more gentle on the body with the least amount of side effects (the supplements);
- synthetics, tight — aggressive, taking a closer look to the results, the most effective, they have side-effects on the body.
At 1 stage there is a preparation in advance, and the digestive tract, and WelhenosnonodEuueth to be exposed to counter the parasites that exist, viz.:
- the removal of the bowel, the constipation;
- to remove the spasm, have been part of the disastrous outcome of the activity of the pathogen.
It is necessary to unlock the path to the medicinal, substances.
The cleansing of the large intestine is the recovery of the mid-way of the help of these herbal ingredients, such as:
- senna;
- tansy;
- extracts from: the aspen bark, and heRemWe.
At this stage, takes place, and soft, but mischievous, action in the glecomtnse body.
Stage 2 of the phase is based on the components of a powerful tragic action, action, action, action which is organized through the completion of the preparation phase:
- An extract of anise; its ethereal oil, causing has a paralyzing effect on the organisms in microbial mats, state of the art cleaning and ideal for reducing the pain.
- ZolnotnotscomEuhneparae, the damaging effect is doubled for the account of tansy, a powerful umtepeRezeteRnnogno plants. The death of tiny worms, peReleparaTSeEu the major species.
- Their elimination from the body by the continuous reception 1-phase.
After you clean your system:
- the recovery of the micro flora in CHILDREN;
- to remove the toxic effects;
- the destruction of the remains of the bodies are still infectious, you come out of the hard to reach places.
This is made possible with the help of:
- ginger;
- the oil of bergamot;
- gnonozdehnnogno of honey;
- kalina.
The advantages are:
- herbal ingredients;
- security.
- idiosyncrasy components.
- along the way to the reception.
- only suitable for a healthy gut and from the station for you. paths.
More often than not, the parasites will come out as undigested substance, that you can't distinguish between the mass of the total amount. But if you haven't seen it yet, the output of the entire race, we don't have to have fear, it is much better to relaxing existence of the pathogenic organism, by the introduction of a "bouquet" of a negative impact on the body, from the inside to the outside.
After the application of umtepeRezeteRção tools, it is a drink with a ratio of vitamins in order to the health and recovery of the body.
Folk remedies
For those who treatment, unlike the media, there are seen numerous recipes umtepeRezeteRnnogno of the cleansing, and the writings of the plant's components:
- hecomtnotele;
- there;
- tansy;
- gnonozdeparae;
- of garlic, and a t. d.

The most common and well-known is to purify, and with the help of the seeds of the gourd, which is suitable for both pediatric and adult patients; for the treatment and prevention of gelümintoz.
The seeds of the pumpkin
The seeds of the pumpkin contain a paratemparatemRbeten, which acts in the peReleztemYuue on the worms. They have lost the ability to pRecomnocometücomEu to the walls of the internal organs, and begin the assent to the motion of the output.
It can also be applied to a case in which there are contra-indications in the purchase of prescription drugs.
To Show the use of:
- children:
- retirement
- for patients with chronic diseases and in the exacerbations;
- pregnant women throughout the entire pregnancy.
- the nurse mamnohparaame.
Is that this product is simply invaluable natural, this one added, the content of nutrients in the form of:
- of zinc;
- of the rail;
- state;
- of the cover;
- match;
- the complex of vitamins E, A, E and k;
- the various types of amino acids.
Recommended to receive a set of disease prevention:
- children up to 12 years of age, 0.75 oz.;
- from the age of 12 years, 150 gr.;
- a grown – up-200-gr.
PnodcomtemWennse or squash seeds, roasted, take them on an empty stomach, to compensate for the mass, it necessarily have to carefully the oxygen in liquid form. You can grind them up in a tsparanoenntemYu meal.
The pRnoglnohenção whole pumpkin seeds, the therapeutic effect is not going to happen.
After a couple of hours (2 or 3), it is necessary to take a laxative or perform an enema for the removal of helminths.
T. in the state of pará. pumpkin seeds are a diuretic, antiparasitic, and action of a laxative, and they are contraindicated in patients with:
- disorders of the stomach or of the intestines;
- peelnonefRetnom;
- crevice;
- dRnonefRnoznom;
- in the kidney.
The advantages are:
- availability
- security:
- don't you have nobnohrage;
- approval of the medical officer;
- suitable for prevention.
- they do not cause allergies.
- purification of a seed, it takes time, patience and perseverance.
To enhance the umtepeRezeteRnnogno action, as well as to speed up the process of the purification of the seeds, you can add in other products as well.
- It in the honey.
300 gr. clean the seeds, add half a cup of warm water + 30 oz. honey, liquid oxygen, (you can heat the water in the shower). The consistency should be like you have a thick cream. The amount of to eat for hours on end, in small portions, after breakfast in the morning. After 3-4 hours, it is necessary to receive a laxative. This is a recipe that is suitable for use in children. - Milk.
1 cup raw, small pieces of the seeds out of the mix with 1 cup of milk, puree in a blender. Take time for breakfast, like smoothies. After a 1-hour after eating to drink 1 glass of water within 1 hour of drinking 2 or 3 glasses of water.After 3 hours of taking a laxative. This umtepeRezeteRnsth is a method which is suitable for women who are pregnant. Not only does it eliminate the worms, but:- increase in blood;
- it slows down the decline of eye;
- to lessen the toxemia,
- to reduce the swelling;
- it will maintain the health of the skin, hair, and nails;
- it will improve your sleep.
- Garlic.
The 200-gr. raw, unroasted seeds of 5 — 6 hecomnnohção the teeth from the grinding of the mixture in the blender. Leave to infuse for 12-to 15-hour-by-hour. Take a 30-oz. 3 hours prior to ingestion of the food. The course of 4 days. For the children, you can add the honey. - ParaecomtnoRparae.
You will need the 25, without processing the seeds, you want to swallow it, and carefully chewed before. After about an hour nospenoeetcomEu 15 ml). oil paraecomtnoRparae. Repeat at regular intervals (on average) more than 3 times. During the day, it happens to 4 in the front. In the course of more than 2 to 3 days. - TemparaRnopnse seeds.
To prepare an infusion of the temparaRnopção seeds, and set aside. Add the flaked seeds from the pumpkin, before the thickness of the liquid for sour cream. Taken on an empty stomach 40-oz. the product is obtained. - Finished off the carrot juice.
1 cup of juice, add 50 gr. peRemnolnotsx of the seeds. To receive, on an empty stomach, 1 hour prior to the morning intake of food. The course of 25 days. Adults and children 12 years of age, you can add 1 clove of the garlic. - The carving of the butternut squash.
It is suitable for the receipt of the adults. 30 ml./a day, for 20 minutes. the intake of foods, 4th R. day. - The carving of the pumpkin and the milk.
Prepared in-house, it is suitable for children.

At the conclusion of
In this article, we have tried to prove to be a major theme of the internal purification of the body and of the necessity of the content that it is clean. After all, this depends on the well-being and life expectancy, which, if properly umtepeRezeteRnnom purification, it has the property of increasing to 15 to 25 years of age.
It looks tempting, doesn't it?